
File Sharing

Share simply

Sharing your presentation with team members or customers is easy. With Showcase, you can send your whole presentation or important files from within the app in minutes.


Update everyone

If you’ve got a team that needs the most current version of the latest presentation you can update them all at the same time, no matter where in the world they are. With one click. 


Share from inside your presentation

You can share your entire presentation or important files right from inside the Showcase app. Send out a price sheet for something you are discussing or a video while you’re presenting without skipping a beat.


Give them VIP Access

You can create a VIP Pass that takes people straight to your presentation. Put the custom VIP link anywhere you need it – social media, email signatures, blog posts. It’s like a virtual trade show for your business with the bonus of Showcase’s analytics, so you can see exactly what’s happening. 


Just the link, thanks

Create a simple link that gives access to your presentation. So there’s no bulky email clogging up your customer’s inbox. You can do this from within the Showcase app itself or from the web editor.


A custom email invitation

Showcase also lets you share your presentation by email. Create an email with your own custom header and send it out. The recipient doesn’t even need to download your content; they’re taken to an online version instead 


Set an expiry date

Time limits are a great way to make sure people have only the latest material. A bit of time crunch also helps the decision-making process. That’s why you can set a time limit to view any information you send. Set your time-outs for anything between 7 and 180 days.


Create and share your own presentation with Showcase for free for 14 days

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